Our feather-shelled heroes were swept away by a storm, and they need your help! In this '90s-inspired platforming adventure, take on over forty handcrafted stages to discover the secrets of their world, the moon and beyond!
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Our feather-shelled heroes were swept away by a storm, and they need your help!
In this '90s-inspired platforming adventure, take on over forty handcrafted stages to discover the secrets of their world, the moon and beyond!
• Linear platforming adventure containing a bunch of secrets and collectibles to uncover
• Huge world spanning 5 regions with a few friends to meet along the way
• An additional out-of-this-world challenge for the bravest adventurers wanting to push themselves to their limit
• Simple controls with lots of movement variety
• Play as a tag-team Duck & Turtle duo by yourself or grab a friend for real-time local co-op
• Windswept is developed by WeatherFell; Top Hat Studios is the publisher on all platforms.